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  • AutorenbildHenning Moog

Sonic Yoga - The Roar of OM

In tantric sources we find OM personified as Kundalini.

Kundalini is om isvari.

We will sing the original verses to invoke the Goddess .

Followed by a Practice of om as a big roar to feel Kundalini as the Power of Om.

What is „a roar“ - Urschrei - question will give us deeper understanding

Side effect: the sound vibration will stimulate pineal gland and hypophysis

High sensitive people will feel tons of endorphin's raining down.

Friday 13.07.2018

8:00 - 9:00 Uhr

UHU - Urban Healing Yoga -

Moosdorfstr 7-9

Bitte per Email anmelden -


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