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Surya Namaskara Workshop

Autorenbild: Henning MoogHenning Moog

Aktualisiert: 12. Sept. 2020

Tag-und-Nachtgleiche - Dienstag 22.09.2020

8:00 - 10:30 Uhr Sonnengrüsse mit Einführung in Bija Mantren

und Gayatri Mantra

Uhu Nest - Moosdorfstr 7-9

Release the old patterns of thinking and open up for new light of LOVE

Everybody is welcome!!!! It is for free - no money needed - Donation we Forward to Anmeldung Email an


Gayatri Mantra

'Understanding our connection with Mother Earth, Gaya

the ultimate Mother energy

Feeling all that Love with that cosmic connection

and than really grounding that"

Om Bhur Bhuvaha Svaha

May the light of the Sun Savitri

The sonic vibration of kundalini sakti

which ultimately is the light of consciousness

May that Divine Light somehow guide our lives!!!

Gayatri Mantra

(precursor of sun salute practise)

What Gayatri represents

Gayatri not just a mantra you sing as the sun moves through the sky

like in the old times.

Gayatri represents the impelling power, the savitri, the heat, the electric fire.

Savitri can mean the lightning flashing of any illumination in the sky,

The kindling Fire of the Heart that keeps us connected when doubts come up.


Kosten: Spenden leiten wir weiter

PLAN - Mädchen müssen selbst über ihren Körper bestimmen können


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